call nothing common in the earth or air.

Call nothing common in the earth or air.
Just a Sidekick?
And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him – a threefold cord is…
Read MoreFountain Pen – Annie Nardone – Cultiv2021
The fountain pen and all its quirks and beauties offers lessons for life. What the Fountain Pen Told MeAnnie Nardone…
Read MoreFresh views Resources Annie N
Fresh Views for Spring!by Annie Nardone Spring is the time of plans and projects.— Leo Tolstoy Spring is always a…
Read MoreResource Awaken2021-Annie Nardone
Awaken to Literary ConnectionsAnnie NardoneBook recommendations for current and classics books that offer connections between authors. It is a good…
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Annie’s writing can be found across various places on the web. To see some of her previous writing, please check out the links below
Imago Dei
Deepest Wonder, Remarkable Beauty:
Sonnets in Praise of Life
Previously published at, March 2021
Contentment in the Clutter
Friends visit for rest and refreshment, not to check your housekeeping skills...
Previously published at, January 2020
The Renewal of Receiving
The best I could come up with is "God, clear my mind"...
Previously published at, April 2020
Red Truck
Our truck was colored crayon red...
Previously published at, Summer 2020
Fractured to Fullness
With each long-distance conversation, I enter into Dad's story...
Previously published at, Summer 2020
The ‘Throw It All in the Bucket and Put God in Charge’ List
Proverbs 16:9 (ESV) The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.
Previously published at, August 2019